International Advisory Board

Members of the International Advisory Board (IAB) for the International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences (LALS):
Name |
Affiliation |
Countries |
Bizheva K. |
University of Waterloo |
Canada |
Blondel W. |
University of Lorraine / CRAN, Nancy |
France |
Bykov A. |
University Of Oulu |
Finland |
Chikishev A. |
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Russia |
Conde O. |
Universidad de Cantabria |
Spain |
Darvin M. |
Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS, Cottbus |
Germany |
Dunaev A. |
Orel State University |
Russia |
Kano H. |
University of Tsukuba |
Japan |
Kirillin M. |
Institute of Applied Physics RAS, N. Novgorod |
Russia |
Koenig K. |
Saarland University |
Germany |
Larin K. (chair) |
University of Houston |
Larina I. |
Baylor College of medicine, Houston |
Lugovtsov A. |
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Russia |
Meglinski I. |
Aston University |
UK |
Novikova T. |
Ecole polytechnique / LPICM, Palaiseau |
France |
Oliveira L. |
Polytechnic of Porto – School of Engineering (ISEP) |
Portugal |
Popov A. |
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland |
Finland |
Popp J. |
Institute of Physical Chemistry |
Germany |
Priezzhev A. |
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Russia |
Rueck A. |
Ulm University |
Germany |
Schneckenburger H. |
Aalen University |
Germany |
Shirshin E. |
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Russia |
Tuchin V. |
Saratov State University |
Russia |
Yaroslavsky A. |
Kennedy College of Sciences |
Zalevsky Z. |
Bar-Ilan University / Faculty of Engineering |
Israel |
Zhu D. |
Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, Wuhan |
China |