
Dear participants, we are appreciate your attendance and hope to meet you again at LALS-2026. The place will be announced.
If you intend to participate in Best Young Researchers paper competition (paper oral or poster, paper presenting author till 35 years old), please notify us via or right after the Opening Ceremony.
The "Book of Abstracts" is available on the official website by the link
There are a few days left until the opening of the 18th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences (LALS-2024) in Muğla (Turkey). All relevant information (program, presentations, transfer instructions, etc.) is available at the official website:
In case of unforeseen circumstances (including transfer and accommodation changes) and for other urgent matters, the local organizers can be contacted by phone or WhatsApp: +90 537 421 08 33 or e-mails: and
The final program is available on the official website: use "Scientific program" munu item
The transfer instructions are available on the official website: use "Conference venue" > "Transfer" menu item
The presentation instructions are available on the official website: use "Presentation instructions" munu item
The preliminary program is available on the official website: use "Scientific program" menu item.
The schedule for the social events is available at the website by using menu item SOCIAL PROGRAM >> ABOUT EVENTS. We recommend to reserve your participation at least one day before the event at the LALS-2024 desk in the hotel
As of August 31, 2024 more than 95 talks (3 plenary, 67 invited, 18 oral and 7 poster) from speakers representing 17 different countries worldwide were accepted and confirmed. Use last chance to submit an abstract till September 10, 2024.
As of July 30, 2024 more than 93 talks (3 plenary, 65 invited, 18 oral and 7 poster) from speakers representing 20 different countries worldwide were accepted and confirmed. We expect that the number of papers will be increased due to postdeadline period of submission. Use last chance to submit an abstract.
The early bird registration fee and accommodation payment deadline is extended till August 1, 2024
We are glad to inform that our official sponsor is art photonics GmbH company. The leader in the fiber photonics!
The extended deadline for early bird registration fee and accomodation payment for the “18th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences” (LALS-2024) is approaching soon: July 22, 2024. Please register for the conference.
The extended deadline for early bird registration fee and accommodation payment is July 22, 2024
As of July 07, 2024 after evaluation of the submitted abstracts we have accepted 90 talks (3 plenary, 61 invited, 18 oral and 8 poster) from speakers representing 20 different countries worldwide. Several abstracts were rejected. We expect that the number of papers will be increased due to postdeadline period of submission. Use last chance to submit an abstract.
The notifications of acceptance were sended to the corresponding authors. At the nearest time all participants with accepted talks will receive the official acceptance letter (pdf-file).
For those who did not have time earlier we are opening the postdeadline period for abstract submission. Use the last chance to submit your abstract to the LALS-2024.
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for abstract submission for the “18th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences” (LALS-2024) is approaching soon: June 15, 2024.
As of June 1, 2024 four plenary talks and more than sixty invited talks have been confirmed by the speakers representing 19 different countries worldwide.
The abstract submission deadline is extended till June 15, 2024. The deadline is approaching soon: use this opportunity to submit an abstracts.
The information about the conference and flyer was sended to more than 3070 unique potential participants.
The LALS-2024 flyer of the second announcement is available. For reference use "Flyer" menu item.
The abstract submission deadline is extended till May 31, 2024.
All registration and booking must go through the official travel agency “Aigtur'. In order to avoid fraudulent actions of third parties and organizations, as well as data phishing, please use and respond only to the following addresses for any reasons: and
The abstract submission for the LALS-2024 is opened. Please use "Abstract submission" menu item. Pre-registration on the LALS-2024 official website (via authentication service) is required.
The registration for the LALS-2024 is opened. Please use "Registration" -> "Registration form" menu item. Pre-registration on the LALS-2024 official website (via authentication service) is required.
The list of confirmed plenary speakers of the LALS-2024 is available. For reference use "Plenary and invited speakers" menu item.
The information about conference and flyer was sended to more than 3000 unique potential participants.
The LALS-2024 flyer of the first announcement is available. For reference use "Flyer" menu item.
The registration fee page with actual prices of registration fee packages for LALS-2024 is posted on the website. For reference use "Registration" -> "Registration Fee" menu item.
Archive information for previous LALS-2023 is available at the menu item "Archive LALS-2023" of the official website. Using this menu the list of invited and plenary talks, abstract book and program, and photos related to the LALS-2023 are available.
The official website of the LALS-2024 is opened ( The LALS in 2024 will be held on October 11-14, 2024 in the stunning Convention Centre of the Liberty Hotels Lykia /Oludeniz in Muğla, Turkey. Mark it on your calendar. Please, follow the official site for updates.
The conference photos is available for downloading by the link:
The LALS-2024 will be held in Muğla (Turkey) at Liberty Hotels Lykia. Please mark your calendar with these dates: 11-14 October 2024. We will update the website soon.
Dear participants, we are appreciate your attendance and hope to meet you again at LALS-2024. The place will be announced in a few month.
The "Book of Abstracts" is available on the official website by the link
In case of unforeseen circumstances (including transfer and accommodation changes) and for other urgent matters, the local organizers can be contacted by phone or WhatsApp: +90 542 326 06 48 or e-mail to
There are a few days left until the opening of the 17th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences (LALS-2023) in Muğla (Turkey). All relevant information (program, presentations, transfer instructions, etc.) is available at the official website:
The transfer instructions are available on the official website: use "Conference venue" > "Transfer" menu item
The presentation instructions are available on the official website: use "Presentation instructions" munu item
The final program is available on the official website: use "Scientific program" munu item
The preliminary program is available on the official website: use "Scientific program" munu item.
The preliminary program will be published on the website at September 29, 2023 .
The conference is coming soon! The preliminary program will be available in a few days. Looking forward for your participation.
We are starting to prepare the preliminary schedule of the LALS-2023 scientific program. Please register if you have not registered yet. The program will be published in a few weeks at the official website.
Please note, that all participants with accepted abstracts should be registered via official website: use "Registration" -> "Registration form". The prices from the table "Registration fee package" will be applied from the columns Regular or Student (see details at
Please, see the schedule of the social events at the "Social Program" > "About events" menu item or using the link
If you need the official invitation letter for application of Turkish visa please send your request to Please, consult the details for visa application at
Register and pay before August 15, 2023 to benefit early bird prices
As of August 05, 2023 we have accepted 78 talks (3 plenary, 42 invited, 24 oral and 9 poster) from speakers representing 14 different countries worldwide.
The official acceptance letters (pdf) were sended to the corresponding authors
The extended deadline for early bird registration fee and accommodation payment is August 15, 2023
As of July 28, 2023 after evaluation of the submitted abstracts we have accepted 76 talks (3 plenary, 41 invited, 23 oral and 9 poster) from speakers representing 14 different countries worldwide. Several abstracts were rejected.
The notifications of acceptance were sended to the corresponding authors. At the nearest time all participants with accepted talks will receive the official acceptance letter (pdf-file).
We start to send the Acceptance letters for participants or notification about the abstract rejection. The letters will be sended at nearest time.
If you still whish to submit the abstract in post-deadline mode please contact us via
Please use the last chance to submit a paper
There is still time to submit your abstracts and register for the conference. The deadline for abstract submission is July 25, 2023.
We are pleased to share with you that, up to date, we have received more than seventy plenary, invited and regular talks from speakers representing 14 different countries worldwide.
We are pleased to share with you that, up to date, we have received more than fifty plenary, invited and regular talks from speakers representing 14 different countries worldwide.
The extended deadline for abstract submission is July 25, 2023. The new date of notification of acceptance is July 28, 2023
Submit your abstracts and register for the LALS-2023 conference at
As of June 28, 2023 three plenary talks and more than thirty invited talks have been confirmed by the speakers representing 14 different countries worldwide.
The abstract submission deadline is extended till July 15, 2023.
Submit your abstracts till June 30, 2023 and register for the conference at The early bird registration fee and accommodation payment deadline are July 30, 2023.
All registration and booking must go through the official travel agency “Aigtur'. In order to avoid fraudulent actions of third parties and organizations, as well as data phishing, please use and respond only to the following addresses for any reasons: and
Call for Abstracts and Registration at the LALS-2023 conference was sended to more than 2900 unique potential participants.
Call for Abstracts and Registration at the LALS-2023 conference will be sended at June 6-9, 2023 to more than 2900 unique potential participants. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are inviting you to submit an abstract and register your participation at the “17th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Science” (LALS-2023).
The abstract submission for the LALS-2023 is opened. Please use "Abstract submission" menu item. Pre-registration on the LALS-2023 official website (via authentication service) is required.
The list of important dates is updated. For reference use "Important dates" menu item.
The registration for the LALS-2023 is opened. Please use "Registration" -> "Registration form" menu item. Pre-registration on the LALS-2023 official website (via authentication service) is required.
The registration and abstract submission will be open in few days. The deadline will be prolonged. Please, follow the official site news.
The list of confirmed invited speakers of the LALS-2023 is available. For reference use "Plenary and invited speakers" menu item.
The list of confirmed plenary speakers of the LALS-2023 is available. For reference use "Plenary and invited speakers" menu item.
The information about conference and flyer was sended to more than 2900 unique potential participants.
The LALS-2023 flyer of the first announcement is available. For reference use "Flyer" menu item.
For reference use "History" menu item.
The LALS-2023 conference official hotline is open. For any requests, please, contact us via e-mail:
The list of topics of the LALS-2023 conference is available. For reference use "Scientific program" menu item.
Registration fee page is available on the official website of the LALS-2023 in Muğla (Turkey). For reference use "Registration" -> "Registration Fee" menu item.
The list of important dates is announced. Please, mark it in your calendar. For reference use "Important dates" menu item.
LALS-2023 will be held on October 15-17, 2023 in the stunning Convention Centre of the Liberty Hotels Lykia /Oludeniz in Muğla, Turkey. Mark it on your calendar. The detailed information will be posted soon. Please, follow the official site for updates.
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